Welcome to rcfdtdpy’s documentation!

RC-FDTD simulations are a staple of electromagnetic field simulations, and can be found in many fields and applications. This package provides a framework for performing RC-FDTD simulations aimed at investigating a particular problem: the simulation of materials that have rapidly evolving electric susceptibilities.

The scope of this problem is such that a few assumptions have been made that simplify the implementation of the simulation as well as the computational complexity of the simulation. These are as follows

  • All materials are linear dielectrics such that \(P(z,\omega)=\epsilon_0\chi E(z,\omega)\).
  • The electric and magnetic fields are plane waves propagating along spatial coordinate \(z\).
  • Materials are uniform along spatial coordinates \(x\) and \(y\).
  • The electric and magnetic fields are zero for all time prior to the start of the simulation (\(E(z,t)=0\) for all \(t<0\)).
  • The electric field \(E(z,t)\) is approximately constant over all time intervals of duration \(\Delta t\).
  • The magnetization of all materials is zero (\(\vec{M}=\vec{0}\)).

Refer to the RC-FDTD Simulations page in order to learn more about how RC-FDTD simulations work and how simulation parameters might be tweaked to produce more accurate results. For a description of various simulations run with this package refer to this report.

Indices and tables